Checklist for your baby's travel bag


Vacation time- the most looked forward to time of the year. But for mothers the thought of summer travel with babies can be nerve wrecking. There is constant fear of leaving something important behind. Here’s a smart checklist of summer travel essentials for babies. 

To start with, do your homework well about your vacation spot. How is your hotel placed in the city? Are the medical and grocery stores, and a pediatrician close by? That done you can start with the packing. 

Start with a list:

Calmly make a list of all the routine items that your baby needs. However useless it may seem at that time just put it down on the list. All that you do not need can be eliminated later.

A medicine box: 

Along with the prescription medicines if any, all medicines the baby might need for regular medical problems should go in one box. 

The right clothes:

Pack appropriate clothes for the baby according to your place of visit. Make sure to keep a few outfits handy. You never know when the baby may spit up or spill something. 

Stock up on diapers:

While packing for toddler summer travel ensure that you have ample diapers that will last you till you reach your destination. Take into account a diaper gone bad or travel delays. In addition to the diapers it is a good idea to have a changing sheet, wipes, rash cream and a plastic bag or two, to store soiled diapers and messy clothes.  

If your toddler is toilet trained then carrying extra underwear and a potty seat should have you covered. 

Don’t forget the toys:

It is important to keep the kids entertained. Favorite toys and comfort items can be a savior!

The most important item on the list- FOOD

While packing for toddler summer travel, packing and arranging for baby food is of utmost importance. 

Ingredients, pots, pans and blenders are summer travel essentials for toddlers! 

A portable steamer is most handy and allows you to steam fruits and veggies. Mashed or pureed they serve as a wholesome meal for the baby.  

It is a good idea to pack pre-roasted and powdered lentils and pulses. Mix them with warm water to make some porridge. 

Packaged baby food available off the shelf is one option. Unfortunately, a few of these brands are processed and contain salts, sugars and preservatives. 

But brands like Rorosaur offer the most convenient and healthy solutions. With Rorosaur meals you can be assured that you are not compromising on the taste, nutritional value and freshness of your baby’s meals. 

Made using state-of-the art technology, Rorosaur purees and porridges pack a powerhouse of nutrients, sans preservatives and synthetic ingredients. Moreover, the food contains no added sugar and salts. 

The baby food comes in convenient, sterile, single-serve, no mess packages. Besides, the food doesn’t require any pre-treatment like heating or mixing. 

While packing for baby summer travel, foods like Rorosaur ensure that you need not worry about nutrition, preparation or spillage! Just open and let your baby slurp on the deliciousness! 


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