First-year feeding guide

Your little bundle of joy is here, and as a new parent, you are anxious and stressed, mostly about ensuring you are feeding your newborn correctly and feeding them enough. The first year is when most growth takes place in babies; hence, nutrition at this stage is crucial for growth and development. As a mother, you probably have a lot of questions about feeding your baby. Here’s all you want to know about feeding your newborn, whether it is breastfeeding your newborn or their first food. 

Infants who are breastfed will eat eight to twelve times each day. Infants that are formula-fed will often eat six to ten times per day. You can start giving your baby solid foods around the age of six months. Based on your baby's willingness, feeding ability, and growth level, you should feed them. 

How many times should I feed my newborn? 

First-time mom? We’re sure you are wondering how many times you should feed your newborn. Here’s the answer - every time your child gets hungry, feed them. Infants who are exclusively breastfed need to be fed ten to twelve times per day, for a total of 10 to 15 minutes per feed. 

First 6 months 

Breastfeeding your newborn will give them all the nutrition from your milk for the first six months. The proper quantity and quality of nutrients are present in breast milk to meet your baby's needs as their first food. Additionally, antibodies and other immunological components found in breast milk support your baby's defence system and prevent sickness. Thus, make sure you are feeding your newborn enough, especially in the initial few years. 

 A Guide for Breastfeeding Your Newborn in the First Year 
  • You should prepare for breastfeeding your newborn every two to three hours in the early days after delivery, even at night. 
  • When the baby shows signs of hunger, you should act quickly and unhurriedly, while also creating a calm and cosy atmosphere for yourself and your baby. Infants who are agitated or restless may have trouble latching on. 
  • For the first few months, it's typical for newborns to wake up during the night to feed. Feeding your newborn on each breast alternately, letting the breast drain completely before moving on to the next is important. By doing this, the infant is certain to obtain hindmilk, which is more nutrient-rich. 
  • Pay attention to your child's feeding cues rather than imposing a routine. Instead, rely on monitoring your child's growth and wet diapers to determine whether he or she is getting enough breast milk. To best satisfy a child's needs, a mother's milk and feeding habits alter as the child grows. 

Post 6 months—Introducing Solids

Most infants are ready to consume solid foods at around 6 months. You can continue feeding your newborn breast milk as long as it is suitable for you and your baby, including well into the toddler years, along with other types of food. Your baby is ready to begin consuming other foods when: 

  • They can bend forward, sit up without help, and have strong neck muscle control
  • Possibility of picking up food and attempting to put it in their mouth
  • Keep food in their mouths rather than immediately throwing it out with their tongue
  • When others are eating, show an interest in the food
  • When they recognise food, they open their mouths
  • Leaning back or moving their head away are two ways they might indicate they don't want food
Tips to follow when feeding solid foods 
  • Set up a quiet feeding setting where the infant is sitting up straight, is properly supported, and is just moderately hungry before introducing solid foods. 
  • Start off by giving the baby finger or small spoonful of solid food, and then steadily increase the portion size as they grow and eat more. Wait until the child has finished the solid foods experience before giving breast milk or formula. 
  • Introduce a wide range of healthful food flavours and textures to young babies in the right portion size. Don't restrict your baby's diet to foods you enjoy. Healthy eating habits can be established by providing a variety of meals at a young age. 


0-3 Months 

4-5 Months 

6-7 Months 





Breast milk 

8-12 feedings 

6-7 feedings 

5-6 feedings 

Fortified dry infant cereal 


1-2 tbsp, 1-2 times a day. Mix with breast milk or formula 

2-4 tbsp, twice a day 




1/4th cup pureed vegetable, twice a day 




1/4th pureed fruit, 1-2 times a day 




1-2 tbsp pureed beans, legumes, 1-2 times a day 



8-9 months 

10-12 months 

Breast milk 

4-6 feedings 

4 feedings 

Fortified infant cereal 

2-4 tbsp, twice a day 

¼-1/2 cup cereal, once a day 


Mashed veggies, twice a day 

¼-1/2 cup well-cooked, mashed veggies, twice a day 


¼ cup soft mashed banana or other fruit, twice a day 

¼-1/2 cup soft chopped fruit, twice a day 


Soft snacks like rice puffs, 1-2 times a day 

¼ cup rice, potatoes or whole grains, twice a day 


2 tbsp mashed beans or tofu, once a day 

¼ cup tofu, cottage cheese, scrambled egg, yogurt, twice a day 


Do babies understand when they are hungry or full? 

Babies are aware of their hunger and fullness cues. Babies may cry or complain if they are thirsty, fatigued, disturbed, or uneasy, or if they require a nappy change or to be burped. The following are some typical indications that your infant is hungry: 

  • Licking the lips 
  • Taking hold of or inclining toward a breast or bottle
  • Pointing at the feeder's hand, the food, or the spoon 
  • Putting their hands to their mouths and sucking on their own 

Babies typically become angry and fuss or cry when hunger cues are ignored. Among the indications that your infant has had sufficient food are: 

  • Moving away from the bottle, spoon, or breast 
  • Going to sleep 
  • Switching positions, vigorously moving the hands, and tightly closing the mouth 
  • Giving the food back to the feeder 

We know how stressful the first year of a baby can be, but don’t worry! We are here to help with easy tips and guidelines on feeding your newborn.

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